Hi There! I'm Shell, and I am The Khancoban Kitchen (at the moment, there is just me. I'm a One Woman Band, One Horse Carriage, Intrepid Individual). I love cooking, entertaining, and most of all, sharing & eating delicious food with friends and family. For anyone that knows me personally, I'm pretty sociable. I rarely decline an invitation, and when I do I get pretty severe FOMO (Fear of Missing Out).
I've been lucky enough see a fair chunk of the world. Having travelled to over 20 countries, one of my favourite parts of trekking this wonderful planet of ours is the food. The flavour, colour, texture, smell, variety, and the way it is presented on the plate. In another life I might have enjoyed being a chef.
But for now, I'm just a country girl living on the edge of Kozciuszko National Park, in the little hamlet of Khancoban. There are about 300 residents, give or take. It's a gorgeous spot, one of those places that keeps a piece of your heart when you leave it.
When the COVID19 pandemic ungraciously presented itself, it was hard to get a lot of things up here (yep, lucky there were plenty of gum leaves about....kidding). Spices was one of them. For weeks I couldn't cook one of my husbands favourite meals... Butter Chicken. Rather than try and solve just our little family problem, I tried to solve a Community one.
And that is how The Khancoban Kitchen was born. A range of Gourmet Spice Meal Kits and Seasonings to bring deliciousness to your pantry. Gluten Free, Preservative Free, Small Batch and Kid Friendly, there is a flavour for any family.
From My kitchen to Yours. Enjoy Life. Enjoy Good Food.